In their best interests, Artists are advised to download, read and understand the terms of the contract in the file below as checking the box would be deemed as an agreement to all terms of the contract

Terms Of Service

In their best interests, Artists are advised to download, read and understand the terms of the contract in the file below as checking the box would be deemed as an agreement to all terms of the contract


Please, confirm that the details provided above are correct. As a mistake on the part of the artist does not equate to a mistake on the part of CiDAR Africa

You hereby understand that by submitting or uploading any work for distribution by CiDAR, such works shall be exclusively licensed to CiDAR for a minimum of three years except expressly agreed otherwise in writing. All releases uploaded on the CiDAR Africa platform automatically falls under our standard distribution license from the moment of upload. For more details, please see our contract terms.

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